
Our Environment, Our Responsibility


national adaptation plan
The journey that began in 2017, has finally come to an end. On 14th of November 2023, Zambia launched its plan on how it will adapt to climate change. This is a historical day as Zambia becomes the 17th country in Africa to have the NAP. The two year National Adaptation Plan main goals are;
1) Strengthen institution coordination and collaboration for adaptation planning in Zambia.
2) Establish a system of integrating climate change adaptation in plans and budgeting.
3) Develop an overarching national plan that prioritizes medium to long-term high-level adaptation actions for the key economic sectors affected by climate change.
4) Strengthen the institution capacity for implementing the NAP.
5) Develop a strategy for mobilizing financial and other resources for NAP implementation in Zambia.
6)Climate Change coordination structures and institutions develop tools for reporting, monitoring and reviewing.
Before this document Zambia was using the National Adaptation Plan of Action on climate change of 2007 (NAPA), the National Climate Change Response Strategy of 2010 and the National Policy on climate change. The key sectors that the NAP will be implemented in are;
1) Agriculture, 2) Water, 3) Forestry 4) Energy, 5) Wild life, 6) Infrastructure and 7) Health.
This document couldn’t come at a better time, as Centre for Environment Justice has started implementing its project “Strengthening Civil Society Voices for Climate Advocacy in Zambia” funded by United Nation Democracy Fund in 5 districts, namely Lusaka, Chirundu, Luangwa, Chongwe and Rufunsa. In this project CEJ is building capacity in small organizations on the National Adaptation Plan and the National Determined Contribution.

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