CEJ Strategic plan 2023-2028

CEJ Six -Year strategic plan (2023 -2028) has seven (7) priorities that include; Environmental protection, Extractive Industries, Water Security, Climate Change, Sustainable Energy, Agriculture and Livelihoods support, and Governance and management.
1. Environmental Protection
Strategic objective: To advocate for strengthening of the environmental protection mechanisms, compliance and enforcement of national, and international environmental laws and agreements.
Expected Impact: Its impact is the creation of a healthy and sustainable environment that supports the well-being of communities and ecosystems.
2. Water Security
Strategic Objective: Increasing the availability and access to safe and clean water as well as sustainable management of water ecosystems for vulnerable rural communities.
Expected Impact: Increased access to safe water, improve resource management, promote social inclusion, enhance resilience to climate change, and advocate for pro-poor policies, leading to improved health and well-being of communities.
3. Agriculture and Livelihood Support
Strategic Objectives: To promote sustainable agriculture production and improve the livelihoods of rural vulnerable communities in Zambia.
Expected Impact: Increased sustainability and equity by building resilient food systems and conserving natural resources for a just future.
4. Climate Change
Strategic Objective: To advocate for climate change policy implementation, accountability, and transparency in Zambia.
Expected Impact: increased resilience of communities and ecosystems, reduced vulnerability to climate change, and a transition towards sustainable and low-carbon economies.
5. Extractive Industries
Strategic Objective: To advocate for strengthening of the legal frameworks and enforcement mechanisms for sustainable and inclusive resource governance in Zambia.
Expected Impact: Its impact is a reduction in the negative impacts of extraction on communities and the environment, increased transparency and accountability in the industry, and the promotion of sustainable and equitable use of natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations.
6. Sustainable Energy
Strategic Objective: Promoting access to affordable, available, reliable and sustainable energy to rural vulnerable communities in Zambia.
Expected impact: Its impact is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, improved energy security, and increased access to clean and affordable energy, leading to sustainable economic growth and improved quality of life for communities.
7. Governance and Management
Strategic Objective: To attain reliable, responsive and predictable governance and management systems that guide CEJ’s operations in an effective and timely manner.
Expected Impact: The institutional systems of CEJ are seen as a benchmark of quality across other CSO actors in Zambia and the region.
Detailed strategic plan will be provided to cooperating and strategic partners upon request.