Environmental Protection Dialogue - 2023

The Centre for Environment Justice and Ministry of Green Economy and Environment co-hosted the fourth Environmental Protection Dialogue dubbed EPD2023 from the 10th to 12th of October 2023 bearing the theme “Environmental Equity and Equal Protection”. The Dialogue was held at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre Kenneth Kaunda wing and was supported by CEJ’s convening partners; Bread for the World, Action Aid, Trade Kings, Musika, Joint Country Programme, United Nations Development Programme, First Quantum Minerals Limited, Biocarbon Partners and Hivos.
The EPD2023 attracted more than 350 delegates of which included government line ministries, UN Agencies, foreign dignitaries, private sector, community members, traditional leaders, local CSOs, CBOs, INGOs, FBOs, youth and women organsations, academia and media.