Environmental Protection Dialogue - 2022

EPD 2022
The third EDP2022 meeting was held under the theme “strong actions to environmental sustainability” at Mulungushi international conference centre Kenneth Kaunda’s new wing from 13th to 14th Octobr, 2022 which attracted at least fifteen traditional leaders from across Zambia and had the following partners on board: Brot fur die Welt, Southern Africa Trust, Bio carbon partners, First Quantum Mineral Trident Limited, MUSIKA, ALIGN and SAYoF
The dialogue was convened by the Centre for Environment Justice (CEJ), a local environmental justice organization working with local organizations, communities and community structures to promote environmental rights, environmental sustainability, climate change adaptation and a safe, clean and healthy environment under the umbrella of climate justice.
The third EPD 2022 meeting attracted a host of multi-stakeholder delegates who participated in the dialogue as institutions and as individual experts; Government Heads of Department and agencies, Foreign Dignitaries and international development organizations, State Regulatory Agencies, Traditional Leaders and community groups, Civil Society Organizations, Youth and Women Groups, national and international Cooperating Partners, members of the diplomatic missions, Mining companies, Academia and the Media.