
Our Environment, Our Responsibility

Displacements: Zambians in Serenje's Muchinda Chiefdom Seek Asylum in DRC_December 2023

Chief Mailo Rejects 'Cord Wood' Consent Application_December 2023

Stop Using Cassava to Process Manganese, Chieftainess Serenje Fumes_December 2023

Government Demands Responsible Mining in Serenje to Protect Environment_December 2023

$1.7M needed for the EPD, TLC Strategy, Implementation Framework_November 2023

WWF, FQM Supports CEJ EPD Strategy, Implementation Framework_November 2023

CEJ Advocates for Inclusive Land Governance at 5th Conference on Land Policy in Africa_November 2023

CEJ Sympathizes with Climate Stressed Sinazongwe Following Anthrax Outbreak_November 2023

Climate Change Impact on Children in Kalomo Unsettles RICAP_November 2023

Joint Media Statement-Reaction on Ministers Decision on Mining LZNP101123_November 2023

GRZ Gives 10 000 Chickens to Climate Stressed Chirundu Villagers_November 2023

Zambia Pilots Japanese 'BOKASHI' Manure for Environmental Sustainablity_November 2023

Zambia Establishes 'Climate Youth Research Hub'_November 2023

NGO Salutes Government for Upholding ZEMA's Decision to Halt Mining in National Park_november 2023

Government Conserves 200 000 Hectares of Forest Cover in Rufunsa_November 2023

Government Building 103 Houses in Luangwa as A Climate Mitigation, Adaptation Measure_October 2023

Zambia Starts Restroring Lukanga Swamps for Energy, Water Supply Security in Lusaka and Kafue Towns_October 2023

Chiefs Worried About Carbon Financing Trends, Lank of Transparency_October 2023

FQM Spends $6M on Protecting West Lunga National Park_October 2023

CIFOR-ICRAF Zambia Expresses Concern Over Carbon Traders Deceiving Governments_October 2023

Women Environs in Zambia Concerned With Extinction of Indigenous Seed Varieties_August 2023

Rufunsa GRZ, Civic Leaders Worried About Deforestation as CEJ Launches 'Climate Advocacy, Action'_August 2023

Chongwe GRZ, Civic Leaders Worried About Depleting Ground Hydrology as CEJ Launches 'Climate Advocacy, Action'_August 2023

CEJ Launches 'Climate Advocacy, Action' In 5 Districts_August 2023

CEJ Applauds Government's Efforts in Transforming Chunga Landfill_August 2023

Sinazongwe's Kanzinze Stream Polluted_August 2023

Chief Muyombe Advocates For Ban On Flue-Cured Tobacco To Save Trees In Mafinga_August 2023

CEJ Convenes Traditional Leaders Dialogue To End Deforestation In Mafinga District_August 2023

CEJ Welcomes Environment Minister's Intervention In Sinazongwe_July 2023

Mweetwa Urges Mines Not To Shun Stakeholder Dialogues, Get Used To Sharing Information_June 2023

Coal Mine Investor Wants Land In Exchange For K500 Monthly Salary_June 2023

CEJ Urges Gov't To Do More To Empower Women With Land_February 2023

CEJ Nods Government Decision On Sugilite Scandal_February 2023

Mining Licence Covering 3 Chiefdoms Shocks Chief Kabamba_March 2023

Hon., Nzovu Calls For Climate Smart Infrastructure To Mitigate Negative Effects Of Climate Change_June 2023

CEJ Welcomes Government’s Decision To Cease Mining Operations In Lower Zambezi National Park_June 2023

Gov't Committed Towards Actualization Of GLASGOW Declaration On Forests, Land Use – PS_May 2023

CEJ Dissects 'Environmental Protection Fund' Gaps In Research Paper, Policy Brief_May 2023

Environment Experts Reject GMO Importation Move_April_2023

CEJ Aims To Provide Resilient Livelihood Support To Nearly 600 Households In Sinazongwe_April 2023

Mining Licence Covering 3 Chiefdoms Shocks Chief Kabamba_March 2023

Manganese Poisoning In Serenje Strikes 28 Workers As 271 Record Manganese Above Normal Level In The Blood_March 2023

Evacuate 35 Manganese Processing Plant Workers With Strange Illness For Specialised Treatment_February 2023

CEJ Baseline Survey In Sinazongwe Notes CDF Knowledge Gap_February 2023

Chinkata Deforestation Hits Tragic Record – CEJ_January 2023

Investors Buying Traditional Land In Sinazongwe Without Sitting Chief's Endorsement Is An Illegality – CEJ_January 2023

Find alternative Mine Site for Mwembeshi Resources - CEJ Urges Govt_February 2022

CEJ Welcomes ERB Decision on ZESCO Fees Nodes_February 2022

Update Stakeholders on the NAP Process - CEJ Urges Govt_February 2022