
Our Environment, Our Responsibility

RISE Project Sinazongwe

Sinazongwe District is a district of Southern Province, Zambia. Sinazongwe is one of the districts CEJ is implementing the Resilient Initiative for Sustainable Environment – RISE project supported by Bread for the World – BftW.

The project focuses on building resilient and responsive communities, improving environmental sustainability, and sustaining livelihoods in the mining communities of Sinazongwe and Serenje Districts

The launch of the RISE project, handover of bicycles to the community social auditors and seed grants for climate resilieent initiatives that took place in Sinazongwe District, Southern Province.

CEJ Head of Research, Freeman Chiwele Mubanga visits the RISE project site.

RISE project success stories.

RISE project success stories.

RISE project success stories.

RISE project success stories.

RISE project success stories.

Surface cracks in mining areas of Sinazongwe district.